5 Books That Have Encouraged Me This Summer (old and new :)
/“Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book.”
My mother was a reading teacher and later a librarian. While I didn’t get every toy I asked for growing up, I can’t remember a time that she ever turned me down when I asked her for a book. She instilled in me a love for books and reading and for that, I will be forever grateful. Here are a few books that have greatly encouraged me this summer…
“Because life is a savage assault on our heart’s confidence that God is good—and thus our union with him—the practice of reminding ourselves He is the creator of everything we love will be a rescue of our faith.”
John Eldredge is by far one of my favorite authors. I have read several of his books over and over again, and this one will be no different. It is filled with simple practices that will help you connect with God, experience the restorative power of beauty and recover your soul. My favorite exercise in this book is one he calls “benevolent detachment” where you take time to stop when you are feeling stress or pressure to offer or release every situation and relationship to Jesus. “Jesus, I give everything and everyone to You…” There is even an amazing app called “Pause” to help you with this.
“Every person, especially every woman, should be alone sometime during the year, some part of each week, and each day. How revolutionary that sounds and how impossible of attainment.”
I first discovered this phenomenal classic while on my first personal retreat at Osage Monastery Forest of Peace nearly 20 years ago. Since then, I’ve tried to read it again every summer because it reminds me of the importance of simplicity, solitude and the ebb and flow of our relationships.
“Do you think it’s possible to ever see the past as it actually was?”
I’d heard rave reviews about this novel, but to be honest it took me a little while to get into it. I’m so glad I kept reading because it is a powerful story of a brother and sister, the house they loved and the power of forgiveness. It will challenge you to examine your own relationships with parents, siblings and dwellings, and will remind you that there is always more going on than what we can see.
“It’s the nights that I cried myself to sleep and my tears crawled across the bridge of my nose that God most often used to develop me into the person I am today.”
I first read this book last summer right after I broke my ankle in three places. It was the worst physical pain I had ever experienced, but even before that a series of devastating losses had threatened to cripple my walk with God. This book gave me fresh perspective on God’s process for healing and redemption. . . how He uses crushing experiences to prepare us for unexpected blessings!
“As I turned the key and pushed open the front door, as I crossed the threshold, I thought how breathtaking, how fleeting, how precious was my ordinary day Now is now. Here is my treasure.”
Because we are in a pandemic, most of us have spent more time at home. This book will help you to examine what aspects of your home are enhancing or stealing your joy. Starting in September (what some people call “the other January”), Gretchen dedicated a school year—from September through May—to concentrate on the factors that matter for home, such as possessions, marriage, time, parenthood, body, neighborhood. I have been inspired to clear clutter, consider which scents calm or motivate me, and bring the healing power of beauty into our home.
What about you?
What books have inspired you lately? I’d love to hear from you!
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