7 Commitments for Spiritual Growth
These practical steps have been a key to the spiritual growth of believers throughout the centuries and are necessary for those who will not settle for anything less than radical pursuit of God.
The Path: Creating Your Mission Statement for Work and for Life
Rich with humor, exercises, mediations, and case histories, The Path is essential reading for anyone seeking a lighter, clearer way in the world.
The Hour That Changes the World
Dick Eastman challenges Christians to spend one hour each day in prayer, and he outlines a twelve-step prayer program to help them accomplish the task.
The Beginner’s Guide to Fasting
Fasting can be done for any number of reasons, including to know God better, to wait on God for an answer to prayer, to listen to God, to demonstrate sincerity to God, and to worship God.
Seven Longings of the Human Heart
God created every person with deep longings that only He can fill. We all long for beauty, greatness, fascination, and intimacy-we all long to be enjoyed, to be wholehearted, to make a lasting impact.
In Desire, John Eldredge writes, "There is a secret set within each of our hearts. It is the desire for life as it was meant to be." Yet how do we uncover our desires and learn to decipher them?
Lioness Arising
Her mere presence commands the landscape, protects her young, and empowers the lion. In groups, lionesses become a creative and strategic force to be reckoned with, acting as one to change the world around them.
Red Moon Rising
On a summers day in 1727 a community of Moravians started praying and didnt stop for more than 100 years. Throughout history God has mobilised such movements and moments of 24/7 prayer from the Upper Room of Pentecost to Azusa Street in Los Angeles, through ancient Celtic saints and extraordinary characters like Alexander the Sleepless.
The 24-7 Prayer Manual
Today's 24–7 prayer movement is an international, interdenominational network of prayer which has grown unexpectedly from one prayer-room in England to impact 60 nations in just six years. This phenomenal movement is putting Christ-centered, mission-minded prayer back at the heart of communities all over the world. Now you can be part of it.
Walking with God
Follow one man’s journey of learning to hear the voice of God. By putting words to the things God has shown him through some amazing experiences, John Eldredge helps readers shed light on the miraculous truths that God is showing them right now.
Growing in Prayer
A practical, effective strategy for incorporating prayer into everyday life. As the founder of the International House of Prayer, Mike Bickle has devoted his life to understanding and practicing the principles and power of prayer.
The One Year Bible
The One Year Bible contains the entire text of the New Living Translation divided into 365 daily reading. Each day’s reading includes portions from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs―guiding readers through the entire Bible in one unforgettable journey that’s easier than ever to make your own.